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Ratings / Rankings

We now have 2 regions in Texas (North and South) for a competitor to earn points and qualify for State Finals!  The North region will be independent from the South Region and have separate ratings.  Each region will have their own qualifier and tabulation .  This simply means there will be "TWO" #1  #2, #3 seeds ect... The highest points seeded competitor will ultimately determined the #1 position during the final runoff.  All other seeds will still run from the lowest to the highest seed competitor.

Both region will have  an “A” , “AA” and “AAA“ rated Qualifier events throughout the State of Texas!  Each TKO League sanctioned event will be a  “Qualifier”.  A competitor that earns the  most points will earn a preferred seed at TKO State Championship.  Example: Tournaments that  is  an “A” ratings will earn single points.   Tournaments that  is “AA” rated will earn double points, and tournaments that  is “AAA” rated will earn Triple Points.  THE MORE YOU COMPETE AND WIN AT TKO QUALIFIER, THE BETTER CHANCE YOU WILL RECEIVE THE #1 SEED AT STATE!  

All sparring competitors earning the #1 Top Rank Seed in sparring will fights last in a double elimination for 1st place.  Stick combat. Sport MMA, Grappling and Continuous Sparring will be a single elimination.  In the weapon, traditional and kata divisions, the #1 Top Ranked seed will also go last against the winner of the run-off division.  This means there will be a run-off in every division to determine “one” winner.  The winner of the run-off will then compete against the #1 Top Rank Seed from the North and the South for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place.  In other words, if you are the #1 seed, you will be guaranteed a 2nd or 3rd place at the State Finals!  We will be awarding all TKO Qualifiers with a 1st-3rd place award at TKO STATE FINALS!  All TKO QUALIFIERS will receive an award at the night finals (evening).  You must attend the nighttime finals to receive the award.

TKO will only track points for “Qualifier” tournaments!   A competitor can accumulate points in point sparring, continuous sparring, grappling, sport mma. Breaking, creative forms, traditional forms, weapons and self defense.  All TKO “Qualifier” points from each TKO events will be posted at  To view your points click "TKO LEAGUE RESULTS" to check if your point is correct.  Any corrections or lost points must notify us by end of October deadline.  You can submit corrections at our website.  

Rankings for Qualifiers and Non Qualifiers (Wild Card)

TKO LEAGUE “QUALIFIERS” (TOP RANKING)—All TKO sanction events that use TKO rules and divisions are considered “Qualifier” tournaments, and will have the top seed (Top Ranking) at State Finals!    There are 15 TKO League Qualifiers in Texas, and each will have representation of the top seeded players!  TKO will track “Qualifier” events for the competitors which will be published on the TKO website!  We have TKO Leagues (Demographic Areas) in Texas.  You can expect to see similar rules and divisions at a “TKO Qualifier” at the State Finals!


TKO “WILD CARD” PLAYERS (NON RANKINGS)—Are considered Non seeded competitors that are not rated by TKO. This simply means that a competitor did not earn points, but would still like to attend the State Finals.  “Wild Card” players will have the lowest seed in each division entered.  In Sparring “Wild Card” player must fight all “wild card” player until one “wild card player” remains.  The winner of the “wild card” player will then advance with the seeded players to compete for the state title. 


Online Point Tabulation

Please Note:     

The #1 seed in the North and South is important when making your corrections.  If your seeded 2nd, 3rd, 4th and so on... you qualify and do not need to make corrections

Please use the link below to  download in Excel spread sheet.  You can copy, paste and save to your liking for corrections. 

Any errors or corrections can be sent to or use the link below.  Please be specific with your corrections.

We will be making corrections and updating the site weekly.  Point corrections will not be accepted after October 22nd deadline.


IMPORTANT!  Even though TKO post all "Qualifier" points online, some may have errors or lost.   All competitors must check their own points at after every event to  insure everything is correct.  Please fill out your corrections/errors below, and be specific so we can assist with any corrections.

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